Disk No  413
Program Title: DOS Utilities
PC-SIG version 1.2

    This disk is chock full of very useful sets of utility programs and
systems that enhance and simplify the sometimes obscure MS/PC-DOS oper-
ating system command structure. There are also utility programs that
provide functions that are not available in 'plain vanilla' DOS.

Usage: DOS Utilities

System Requirements: 64K memory and one disk drive (some programs require
color graphics).

How to Start: Type: FILENAME (press enter) to start a program. FILENAME is
equal to the name of the program that you want to run, for example: to
start the program 1DIR, type: 1DIR (press enter).

Suggested Registration: Various amounts.

File Descriptions:

1DIR     COM  A sample of this 'Wonder' DOS shell program
BWVID    ASM  Source code of the BWVID.COM program
BWVID    COM  A program that stops a composite monitor from putting out
              colors, displaying shades of grey instead
BWVID    DOC  Documentation of the BWVID.COM program
CED      COM  Command EDitor (expanded DOSEDIT) - command line editing
              facility - many useful functions
CED      DOC  Documentation for the CED.COM program
COMMENT  DOC  Documentation for the COMMENT.SYS device driver
COMMENT  SYS  An MS/PC-DOS 2.0(+) device driver whose function is simply
              to echo strings to the standard output device
DW       COM  DiskWipe - totally erases a diskette to its virgin state
DW       DOC  Documentation for DW.COM program
FASTFMT  LBR  Fast format utility system - formats diskettes using both
              disk drives; has safety features; auto labelling sequence
FASTFMT  TXT  Text file explaining how to unscramble FASTFMT.LBR into a
              usable system - the process is completely automated
LU       EXE  A Library unscramble program - used by the FASTFMT and
              SCREN2 systems
MEMINIT  EXE  Sets memory switches; speed up power on
PARTNER  COM  RAM resident utility program which provides a set of disk
              and directory maintenance facilities available from inside
              running application programs at the touch of a key.
              Requires a color graphics adapter.
PARTNER  DOC  Documentation for the PARTNER.COM program
PC-STAT  COM  Diplays system status - both hardware & software config.
PCPF     COM  A session manager - replaces bare DOS prompt with a
              friendly display panel
PCPF     DOC  Documentation for the PCPF.COM program
SCREN2   LBR  Screen Image Editor and utility; program DOS menus;
              graphics control
SCREN2   TXT  Text file explaining how to unscramble SCREN2.LBR into a
              usable system - the process is completely automated
SETBW40  COM  Used with BWVID.COM-does the same thing as DOS's MODE BW40
SETBW80  COM  Used with BWVID.COM-does the same thing as DOS's MODE BW80
UNSQ     COM  Unsqeeze utility.  Restores sqeezed files.  Used by SCREN2
              and FASTFMT systems above

Please note: the POPALARM program, which is listed as being on this disk in
the 4th edition of the PC-SIG Library Directory, has been withdrawn from
the author.

1030D E Duane Avenue
Sunnyvale Ca. 94086
(408) 730-9291
(c) Copyright 1986,87,88 PC-SIG, Inc.